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Office Closure: June 28–July 5

It has been no small effort on the part of the BJ staff during these unprecedented and challenging times — first to transition to virtual services, and now as we not only continue that effort but begin to bring the campus back to life and work toward offering multi-access services and programs. In recognition of this, the BJ leadership has decided to close the office for a week to give much-needed respite and renewal to the staff. 

Our offices will be closed from Monday, June 28, through Monday, July 5. During this time, most staff will not be checking email or voicemail, however the membership team will remain in the office and be responsive to all inquiries by email and phone,, or (212) 787-7600 x302. 

As always, in case of emergency, our spiritual leaders are available to support members of the community. In the event of a death or other emergency, please call (212) 787-7600 x1.

All prayer services will continue as usual.