Purim Volunteer Project with WSCAH
We are at capacity for volunteer shifts for Purim, but will hopefully schedule more opportunities for BJ members to volunteer as a group with WSCAH!
Sign up for other community volunteer shifts at WSCAH.
Fulfill one of the key mitzvot of Purim by joining our volunteer day at the West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCAH). The mitzvah of Matanot la’Evyonim (giving of money or food to those in need) is central to the spirit of Purim and reminds us that we are obligated to extend a helping hand, even in times of joy and celebration. By volunteering our time and effort at WSCAH, we will help ensure that those facing hunger in our community can access healthy and nutritious food for their families with dignity.
We come together as a community to embody the essence of matanot la’evyonim and give our time and energy to those who need it most.
Key Details:
- Volunteer space is limited, so advance registration is required.
- We will be volunteering from 2:00PM-4:00PM at the West Side Campaign Against Hunger (263 W 86th St, New York, NY, 10024).
- We will gather at 1:45 in the lobby of WSCAH. Those attending BJ’s Purim Seudah will meet up at 1:30PM to walk over together.
- All volunteers must be over the age of six. Volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Questions? Contact Kiana Davis.