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Clothing Drive
We are collecting clothing and other items for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers that will be distributed at the weekly resource fair for those in need in our community, held at the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew.
Items can be dropped off at BJ on weekdays, May 1-12, from 7:00 AM-7:00 PM.
We are collecting:
- Sneakers and comfortable shoes (not dress shoes). Smaller sizes are most needed.
- Children’s clothing, including swimwear (size 2T and up)
- Women’s and men’s clothing, including shorts, pants, and tops in sizes small, medium & large
- We especially need men’s clothing
- No XL sizes
- New undergarments
- Strollers
- Small bikes or scooters (we raffle these off!)
- Small toys, games, and stuffed animals
- Children’s books
- Backpacks, bags, and suitcases
- Fresh direct bags (for clients and for sorting)
We cannot accept:
- Baby clothing
- Used undergarments
- Torn or stained items
- Winter clothing
- Office/business attire
Photo by Pastor K Karpen