Welcome Rabbi Rebecca Weintraub
Ever since Rebecca’s visit to our community in January, we have been excited at the possibility of her joining us as assistant rabbi. Becca was ordained as a rabbi in a moving ceremony on June 7, and June 15 marks her official start as a BJ rabbi—we warmly welcome Becca to our community. We are blessed to have her as a part of the BJ spiritual leadership and are looking forward to all the ways Becca will make her imprint on the BJ community. Becca joins us with her husband Jeremy Edelman, and in September they are expecting their first baby. Besha’ah tovah (in good time), may their child arrive with joy and blessing. Becca is looking forward to making the most of her time with our community in the leadup to giving birth, as well as to her return following parental leave.
Though we wish we could all be together to welcome Becca in person, there will be many ways for the community to meet Becca, to learn from her, and to get to know her better. Becca will immediately become a part of the leadership of Shabbat services and daily minyanim. She will be teaching a weekly class and will be present at a number of general community and family programs over the course of the summer to further connect with our community. Becca will also be available for one-on-one conversations with BJ members. We will have a more formal welcome ceremony later in the fall.
See below for all the ways you can meet Becca. If you’d like to make an individual appointment with her, please reach out to Julie Schwartz.
Meet Becca
Connections Happy Hour
Monday, July 20 | 7:30PM | Zoom →
Mishnah after Minyan
Tuesdays, July 21 through August 25 | 8:45AM | Zoom →
Occupy the Zoom: Race & Education
Tuesday, July 21 | 7:30PM | Register for Zoom link →
A Taste of Mussar with Rabbi Rebecca Weintraub
Thursdays, July 23 through August 27 | 12:30PM | Register for Zoom link →
Bedtime Story and Shema
Thursday, July 23 at 6:45PM | FLAL Facebook Page →
Teen Virtual Open Mic Night
Tuesday, July 28 | 5:00PM | Register for Zoom Link →
Finding the Light in the Darkness
Thursday, July 30 at 4:45PM | Register for Zoom link →
Summer Bim Bam
Friday, July 31 | 10:15AM | Register for Zoom link →
Ma’ariv and Havdalah
Saturday, August 8 | 8:55PM | Zoom →
Teen Virtual Hangout
Sunday, August 9 | 5:00PM | Contact Laura for Zoom link →