
There is a spiritual practice of symbolically casting off sins—symbolized by breadcrumbs—into flowing water. Sprinkling crumbs into a body of water, we let the tide carry away the mistakes of the last year, letting go of the things we have repented. Open yourself up to new ways of experiencing this practice with Marshall T. Meyer Rabbinic Fellow Grace Gleason and former rabbinic fellows Rabbis Sarah Krinsky and Tobias Moss.

[one_third class=”pr-3″] Breaking down the Yamim Nora'im

Breaking Down Tashlikh

Perhaps you’ve seen people throwing breadcrumbs into the water on Rosh Hashanah. Have you ever wondered what it’s all about? Wondered what you might need to know before trying tashlikh out for yourself? Look here as we break down the essentials.

[/one_third] [one_third class=”pr-3″] Grace Gleason

Grace Gleason: Shame and the Psychology of Tashlikh

Grace Gleason is the incoming Marshall T. Meyer Rabbinic Fellow at BJ. She is a third-year rabbinical student at the Jewish Theological Seminary.
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Tashlikh: Text-based Guided Conversation

Use this resource to prepare before the waterside Tashlikh ritual—ideally immediately before Tashlikh, but it can also be used as a text study in the weeks leading up to Rosh Hashanah. This was originally created for Tashlikh 5778 at B’nai Jeshurun.

[one_third class=”pr-3″] Nizahker Venikatev

Nizakher Venikatev: A Reflective Guide for Tashlikh

Is there a regret or mistake from the past year that you are struggling to let go of? What does an embodied ritual accomplish that prayer alone cannot do? In your experience, is it harder to forgive others or to forgive yourself? Go deeper into the experience of Tashlikh exploring these questions and more.

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