What Matters
BJ is proud to be a partner site in What Matters: Caring Conversations About End of Life, an effort to heighten awareness about the importance of advance care planning. Trained BJ facilitators can guide you through the process, which will help you clarify and document your goals and wishes for future healthcare and other choices should you be unable to communicate your wishes due to a sudden accident or illness.
The What Matters process honors the sacredness of life and incorporates personal ethics and life choices, as well as Jewish values, to help guide your decisions.
To learn more or to schedule a conversation, please contact Billie.
What is Advance Care Planning (ACP)?
Advance Care Planning (ACP) is for anyone 18 years of age or older, to supplement the New York State Health Care Proxy. It is a process of communicating and planning for future healthcare and other decisions if you had a sudden event, like a car accident or illness, which leaves you unable to speak for yourself. A proxy or agent, whom you select, would make medical and other choices on your behalf. These conversations between you and your agent, as well as a document called an Advance Directive, will convey your goals and wishes to help your agent make decisions on your behalf.
What if I choose not to have an Advance Directive?
Without an Advance Directive, your family physician, a hospital, or, in some cases, a judge, would have to make decisions for you without necessarily knowing your wishes.
How long will the process take?
An initial conversation with a facilitator normally takes less than an hour, although you may want to continue the discussion after more reflection with your loved ones, doctors, clergy, and/or an attorney.
What’s next?
The facilitated discussions are voluntary, free of charge, and completely confidential. This initiative is part of a national, evidence-based program developed over 20 years ago, by the Gundersen Health System in Wisconsin. With generous funding from Plaza Jewish Community Chapel and UJA Federation of New York, What Matters is a collaboration between the Center for Pastoral Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary, JCC Manhattan and The New Jewish Home. BJ is one of 15 Jewish program sites in New York City.