Toward Shabbat: Shoftim
After these many months of communal and personal isolation, we will soon greet a new Jewish year. These weeks before the High Holy Days are ...
Peter Geffen has been a member of BJ since the arrival of Rabbi Marshall Meyer in NY, served as a hazzan for BJ’s High Holy Days services for almost 20 years, is the founder of the Abraham Joshua Heschel School, and is founder and president of KIVUNIM. He is married to Susie Kessler, father of Rabbis Jonah (Julia) and Daniel (Lu), of Nessa Geffen (Micah), and lucky enough to be sabba of Bina, Shula, Eva, and Gabriel.
After these many months of communal and personal isolation, we will soon greet a new Jewish year. These weeks before the High Holy Days are ...