Community Member

Lisa Zucker


Lisa and her family have been members of BJ since 1999. She has served on the Hebrew School Advisory Committee, the Panim Leadership Team and is currently the co-chair of the Economic Justice Hevra. Through BJ, Lisa was an active member of two successful civil rights campaigns: the Campaign for Marriage Equality and the Justice for Farmworkers Campaign. Lisa is the Senior Attorney for Legislative Affairs at the New York Civil Liberties Union, where she specializes in workers’ rights policy and legislation. She has taught at Rutgers, New York and Yale law schools, and is a member of the Advocacy Council of the Citizens Committee for Children. Lisa received her B.A. from the University of Illinois and her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School. Lisa and her husband Dan live on the Upper West Side with their three children Sophie, Ben, and Clara. All are grateful to be members of this special community.