Board Member
Barry Waldman
Barry has been a member of BJ since 2003. His daily focus is on helping companies with marketing, business, and customer experience challenges. He previously held executive positions at Accenture, McCann Erickson Advertising, and Vistrada. Barry comes from a family of Jewish educators and rabbis. He teaches Hebrew, Judaism, and Holocaust studies to 3rd-7th graders on a part-time basis, and has previouslyworked as an educator at Camp Ramah Nyack. Barry currently serves on the Executive Board of the West End Secondary School and has held numerous positions at his children’s schools. Barry is also a part-time comedian and has performed in New York, New Jersey, Washington, DC, Lake Tahoe, and Tel Aviv. He holds a BA from the University of Michigan.
At BJ, Barry has been on the Kadima Advisory Committee since 2019 and has served as a co-chair with his wife, Elain, since 2021. Barry has also served on the BJ Inclusion Committee and was a Co-chair for the Young Families Retreat. Barry tutors children to read Torah and is an active Torah reader at BJ in all the minyanim. Barry and Elain have had all of their family lifecycle events at or around BJ, and their children, David and Rebecca, grew up at BJ and attended Kadima and Haverim.