NYC Jewish Climate Summit
We each have our own journey of awakening to the climate crisis. Some of us have been concerned and active for decades, while others of us have just begun to realize that climate change is a real threat that impacts our lives. Many of us fall in between these two experiences.
This month, we at BJ have an opportunity to come together to learn from and with one another. BJ is partnering with Dayenu (a nationwide network of Jewish and interfaith grassroots environmental groups formed for American Jews to confront the climate crisis by taking bold political action) to sponsor and host The New York Jewish Climate Summit. The goal of the Summit is to help strengthen the entire Jewish community’s capacity to engage in strategic national climate advocacy that can contribute to a comprehensive climate policy.
You are invited to attend this Summit alongside other BJ members to learn how you can take action to tackle the climate crisis and help secure a livable and sustainable future for our children. Teach and share your takeaways to help spread the word and fire up this multigenerational movement. If not now, when?
The Summit will be held on Sunday, April 23, at Temple Shaaray Tefila from 1:00 PM until 4:30 PM.
I hope to see you there!
–Cheri Zeldis, member of BJ Environmental Advocates Committee