Mazal Tov to our Simhat Torah Honorees, Ellen Metzger and Eli Weiss!
This year, we are thrilled to honor Ellen Metzger and Eli Weiss by naming them the Kallat Torah and Hatan Bereshit, respectively. Mazal Tov to Ellen and Eli!
Ellen Metzger is a native New Yorker, a retired corporate attorney and an amateur classical pianist. She and her husband, Marvin Lange, and their daughter, Rebecca, have been members of BJ since 1995. In 2015, Ellen began attending morning minyan to say Kaddish for her parents and she has been a minyan “regular” since then. She is Chair of the Connections Committee and a member of the Prayer and Spirituality Committee and Hevra Kadisha. Ellen is a frequent volunteer/usher/greeter at BJ services and events and this year joined the gabbai team for the Yamim Nora’im.
Eli Weiss has been an active member of the BJ community since infancy. He actively participated in Junior Congregation (now Kulanu), was a student in the BJ Hebrew School (now Kadima), a member of the BJ Teen Executive Board, having served 3 terms as Development Co-Chair, and he will continue to periodically volunteer in the Soup Kitchen. Having trained as a gabbai for Family Services, Eli was a two-time teen service leader for Yom Kippur Family Services, and is now a gabbai for the 5782 High Holidays. Eli graduated from the Leffell School this past June and will start at the University of Miami this Spring, majoring in media management. This fall, he is working as a Development and Communications Intern for Camp Ramah in the Berkshires, where he spent 9 summers as a camper, and became a counselor this past season.