Kamal Almashharawi will share the story of his family’s escape from Gaza and their hope for a better future.
Kamal went days without food as he and his family sought safety from tank shells and airstrikes.
“All around us were shots and explosions. The roads were full of sand and sewage and bodies,” he wrote in the New York Times. “All the kids in my family were starting to get sick. We simply had nothing to give them.”
The peace and coexistence advocate eventually secured safe passage into Egypt with some family members. It was an “excruciating” situation, leaving behind loved ones to face the continued horrific daily reality of starvation, war, and death.
Kamal is a lawyer working as a business and legal officer for SunBox, a solar power company based in Gaza. He and his family were able to leave Gaza two months after the beginning of the war and have temporarily relocated to New York City. He has been deeply engaged in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and community development—and remains committed to building a better future for Palestinians and Israelis alike.