> Service Schedule
> Morning Minyan
> Event
> Service Schedule
> Morning Minyan
> Event
Shaharit (Online) followed by Ta’anit Bekhorot Siyyum
All events in seriesTa’anit Bekhorot (Fast of the Firstborn) enables those who are fasting to eat if they participate in a meal celebrating the completion of a volume of rabbinic literature. Join us for morning minyan, followed by a special learning session with Rabbi Shuli Passow.
Morning Minyan is multi-access. BJ’s Morning Minyan meets in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading, and on Zoom every morning.
Each morning after the service, grab a cup of coffee and stick around the Zoom for a coffee klatsch.
For in-person services, please enter through the doors on 89th Street.