Planting Seeds: A Panel of Fresh Perspectives to Take on 2021
Join fellow 20s and 30s to hear from experts on how to plan and stay motivated as you take on new goals this year. Our panelists will cover a variety of topics including dating, mental, and physical health, cooking, career development, spirituality, and social justice. After the panel, participants will have the opportunity to join breakout rooms to learn more about their areas of interest.
Lindsey Metselaar from Dating Podcast We Met At Acme
Sadie Kurzban, Founder of 305 Fitness
Chanie Apfelbaum, Author of Millennial Kosher and @BusyinBrooklyn
Dan Schwabel, New York Times bestselling author, Forbes + Inc. Magazine 30 under 30, Business Insider 40 under 40
Ezra Bookman, Lab Shul and Ritualist
This event is in partnership with the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan 20s + 30s, The Grad Network: Powered by Columbia/Barnard Hillel, Aviv at B’nai Jeshurun, Trybal Gatherings, Tribe, The Leffell School/Schechter Westchester Alumni Association, and Moishe House in New York.