Hadar’s Rising Song Intensive
All events in seriesReach new heights in song and spirituality at Hadar’s Rising Song Intensive (HRSI). Led by Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz, with Joey Weisenberg and a team of stellar faculty and musicians, HRSI offers the opportunity to study traditional melodies and sounds, bring new music into being, and climb the ladder of song together.
Enter a community of ba’alei tefilah, cantors, community organizers, lay leaders, musicians, rabbis, and students in an ongoing exploration of communal musical dynamics. Unearth the spiritual underpinnings of song and study the complex intersection between individual and communal voices. Explore with renowned musicians diverse voices within the global Jewish musical heritage.
This year’s learning will include deep dives through multi-day learning tracks, paired with a wide range of daily elective offerings facilitated by our faculty team. Come and learn with Aviva Chernick, Yoni Avi Battat, Michael Winograd, Batya Levine, Richie Barshay, Rabbi Aviva Richman, Aly Halpert, Rabbi Yosef Goldman, Joey Weisenberg and Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz.
Registration Fee
BJ Members: $450 (Use the discount code BJ450 upon registration)
Public Registration
Early bird registration (valid before November 1, 2023): $550
General registration: $650
Scholarship rate: $400
Student rate: $300