Family Ne’ila
Join us for Family Neilah with Michael Witman, Tobie Franklin, Shira Averbuch, and Michael Harlow.
We will gather families and children outside at 86th Street and West End Avenue for a Ne’ila experience starting at 7:15 PM. Families will then proceed to 88th Street, where we will join community members participating in the livestreamed service outside. We will sound the shofar and have havdalah with our spiritual leaders to conclude our day of reflection together, as one community.
If you already registered for Ne’ila outdoors, there is no action needed on your part. If you’d like to participate, please add the intergenerational Ne’ila to your registration. You do not need to register for the outdoor livestream at 88th Street separately.
We are so appreciative of our family community as we continue to restructure our services to provide your family with a safe and meaningful spiritual experience.
*If you have Tea Lights please bring them. We will have extra for the procession.