20s and 30s High Holy Days
Join us for High Holy Days this year at B’nai Jeshurun hosted by Aviv, BJ’s 20s and 30s group. Together we will welcome in the year 5782 through song, prayer, social gatherings, and mindfulness. This inaugural 20s and 30s High Holy Days experience will be offered in person, to BJ members and non-members. Whether this is your first High Holy Days experience or you are a regular synagogue attendee, we are excited to be your spiritual home during this holy time.
Upon registration, be on the lookout for a separate email inviting you to register for specific services or events you would like to participate in. The Break Fast is at capacity, but there is still room for Kol Nidre services as well as Minha and Ne’ila.
All participants must:
- Provide proof of vaccination either in advance or upon entering the service.
- Provide proof of a negative PCR test within 72 hours of the start of Yom Kippur.
- Wear a mask at all times at the indoor services.
All events will be held on the Upper West Side of Manhattan at B’nai Jeshurun. For questions, please contact Jade Groobman.
Event admission will include:
Kol Nidre: September 15, 6:30-8:30PM
Minha/Neila: September 16, 5:00-7:45PM
Break Fast: September 16, 8:00-9:30PM (At Capacity)