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ELULmination Cohort

Monday, August 31, 2020 @ 12:30 PM1:30 PM

As we collectively prepare for the Yamim Nora’im this year, exploring the Waze to the Light resources that will guide us through the season, which are free and open to all, we are excited to introduce an opportunity for BJ community members to go deeper. All BJ members are invited to join one of our ELULmination Groups, to come together virtually to collectively explore the powerful themes of these resources. Guided by one of BJ’s spiritual leaders, these groups provide an opportunity to learn from one another and find more ways to add light to our paths, while strengthening our connections to the BJ community, no matter where in the world you may be.

For those who are looking for a cohort-based experience for the season, this group will meet weekly on Mondays at 12:30PM up until Yom Kippur. Led by Rabbinic Fellow Deborah Sacks Mintz.

For those who would prefer to study certain topics or need the flexibility to participate on an as-available basis, there will be two drop-in groups that meet weekly on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings. 


Please note that this program is exclusively for BJ members in good standing. If you are interested in joining the BJ community or still need to renew your membership, please visit: //bj.org/membership/

woman smiling

ELULmination Cohort

Monday, August 31, 2020 @ 12:30 PM1:30 PM Event Series

As we collectively prepare for the Yamim Nora’im this year, exploring the Waze to the Light resources that will guide us through the season, which are free and open to all, we are excited to introduce an opportunity for BJ community members to go deeper. All BJ members are invited to join one of our ELULmination Groups, to come together virtually to collectively explore the powerful themes of these resources. Guided by one of BJ’s spiritual leaders, these groups provide an opportunity to learn from one another and find more ways to add light to our paths, while strengthening our connections to the BJ community, no matter where in the world you may be.

For those who are looking for a cohort-based experience for the season, this group will meet weekly on Mondays at 12:30PM up until Yom Kippur. Led by Rabbinic Fellow Deborah Sacks Mintz.

For those who would prefer to study certain topics or need the flexibility to participate on an as-available basis, there will be two drop-in groups that meet weekly on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings. 


Please note that this program is exclusively for BJ members in good standing. If you are interested in joining the BJ community or still need to renew your membership, please visit: //bj.org/membership/

woman smiling

ELULmination Cohort

Monday, August 31, 2020 @ 12:30 PM1:30 PM Event Series

As we collectively prepare for the Yamim Nora’im this year, exploring the Waze to the Light resources that will guide us through the season, which are free and open to all, we are excited to introduce an opportunity for BJ community members to go deeper. All BJ members are invited to join one of our ELULmination Groups, to come together virtually to collectively explore the powerful themes of these resources. Guided by one of BJ’s spiritual leaders, these groups provide an opportunity to learn from one another and find more ways to add light to our paths, while strengthening our connections to the BJ community, no matter where in the world you may be.

For those who are looking for a cohort-based experience for the season, this group will meet weekly on Mondays at 12:30PM up until Yom Kippur. Led by Rabbinic Fellow Deborah Sacks Mintz.

For those who would prefer to study certain topics or need the flexibility to participate on an as-available basis, there will be two drop-in groups that meet weekly on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings. 


Please note that this program is exclusively for BJ members in good standing. If you are interested in joining the BJ community or still need to renew your membership, please visit: //bj.org/membership/

woman smiling

ELULmination Cohort

Monday, August 31, 2020 @ 12:30 PM1:30 PM Event Series

As we collectively prepare for the Yamim Nora’im this year, exploring the Waze to the Light resources that will guide us through the season, which are free and open to all, we are excited to introduce an opportunity for BJ community members to go deeper. All BJ members are invited to join one of our ELULmination Groups, to come together virtually to collectively explore the powerful themes of these resources. Guided by one of BJ’s spiritual leaders, these groups provide an opportunity to learn from one another and find more ways to add light to our paths, while strengthening our connections to the BJ community, no matter where in the world you may be.

For those who are looking for a cohort-based experience for the season, this group will meet weekly on Mondays at 12:30PM up until Yom Kippur. Led by Rabbinic Fellow Deborah Sacks Mintz.

For those who would prefer to study certain topics or need the flexibility to participate on an as-available basis, there will be two drop-in groups that meet weekly on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings. 


Please note that this program is exclusively for BJ members in good standing. If you are interested in joining the BJ community or still need to renew your membership, please visit: //bj.org/membership/